An Affiliate Of The National United Church Ushers Association Of America, Inc.
Committees and Departments
George T. Grier
The role of the church usher has changed over time, especially after COVID-19, but our primary goal has not changed. As church ushers we provide a service to God's people during worship services, at funerals, and other religious events through a uniformed method of ushering using tact, and signs and signals. George T. Grier was a man of integrity who could visualize, organize and supervise. Brother Grier came from Illinois and served as their first State President and made numerous contributions to the growth of the National Association, most notably the founding of the School of Ushering. Brother Grier also designed our National pin, wrote our first The Universal Church Ushers Manual and The Technique of the Universal System of Church Ushering,
and was appointed the first Chairman in 1951. In 1952 the School had 210 graduates who received diplomas at the first National graduation service. The School of Ushering has offered morning workshops at the National Convention since 1955. There are additional activities related to the School of Ushering that take place during our National Convention including a Drill and Floor Demonstration involving the Senior, Young Adult, and Junior & Young People's Department as well as a King and Queen Pageant. Along with receiving a first-time Usher's Diploma, a student can earn a Bachelor's Degree and the newly formed Master's Degree in the George T. Grier School of Ushering.
Alumni Department
The National Alumni Department was also founded by Brother George T. Grier in July 1958 at a convention in Cleveland, Ohio. The purpose of the Alumni Department is to keep the bond of School of Ushering students together as a viable and working group after graduating. The Alumni Department ushers at National Conventions, Regional and State services and helps those in need financially. Additional activities and tasks through this department include: Usher of the Year Award (on all Association levels), the Book of Seven, and judging the drill and floor demonstration competitions.
Outreach Department
The National Outreach Department was established under the administration of President Willie J. Minnifield. The goals and objectives focus on implementing and providing public services to families in need throughout the United States of America. The Eastern Region Outreach Department was organized by Director Alfreda D. Porter. The Region's mission is to promote the growth of the Eastern Region membership and to provide service to the community. Click here to go to our Eastern Region Outreach Page for more information and events.
Education Department and Scholarship
The National Education Department was established to encourage, inspire, and assist our youth in obtaining fuller and richer lives through the pursuit of higher education. The National Allan A.C. Griffith, Sr. Education Department was organized in 1937. Sister Mabel A. Grey, from Boston, Massachusetts, was the second National Chairman and served in that position for 25 years. Four scholarships are awarded through fields of competition on the National level, and to be able to compete on the National level a contestant must first compete and win in their State and Regional levels. The fields of competition
include Oration, Vocal, Essay, Instrumental/Piano, Spelling Bee, and STEAM. Funds for the scholarships come from a fund received through our dues and State Assessment fees.
The National R.E. Harshaw, Jr. Educational Scholarship Fund was established to help more students acquire funds to attend college through a $0.52 donation per usher, per year. The Scholarship Fund has since been renamed the R.E. Harshaw, Jr. Education Foundation and grants are distributed annuly by members of the Board of Trustees.
Training & Development
We do not limit ourselves to just School of Ushering training, but to be the best persons we can be in our community, our churches, and our organization, we also provide and/or attend training in the following areas: Parliamentary Procedures, Emergency Evacuations, Public Speaking, recognizing our gifts, financial planning, estate planning, and more.
Click here to go to our Eastern Region Training and Development Page for information and workshops.
Young Adult DEpartment
The National Young Adult Department was organized in July 1967 temporarily at a convention in Boston, Massachusetts under the leadership of President Leroy Johnson, and became a permanent department in July 1969 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The objective of the Young Adult Department is to unite Young Adult Church Ushers in the age range of 21-35 across the United States regardless of denominational affiliation, race, or creed into one organization. Also to close the generational gap between the Senior and Junior and Young People's Departments, and finally, to promote the religious, mutual and social relationships among their member peers.
Junior & Young People's Department
The National Junior & Young People's Department was birthed out of a desire and a need of a youth usher by the name of Susie Gomez, originally from South Carolina, but lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Young Sister Gomez started with missionary visits along with others in her age group and later asked and received permission from her church pastor to start a Junior Usher Board. Once approved Sister Gomez organized other youths in other local churches and over time the State. In July of 1940 in Dallas, Texas, Sister Gomez along with other youths asked National leadership for permission to establish a National Junior Unit. Today, the Junior & Young People's Department consists
of youth ushers between the ages of 8 and 21. In addition to attending, and conducting their department meetings at the National convention, they sponsor a musical, in conjunction with the Young Adult Department on Tuesday evenings.
Committee and Department Listing
The above information does not represent all of the Committees and Departments within our Association, nor does it give full information on the goals, objectives, or instructions on obtaining training or applications. Below is the current list of the Eastern Region Senior Department Committees and Departments. Our Young Adult and Junior Departments have similar Committees and Departments, but not necessarily all of them.​